'And the day came when the risk it took to remain tightly closed in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.' ~ Anais Nin
Spoken with smokey softness and strength, this quote, on repeat serves as an excellent affirmation and reminder. Take a listen (seriously, try it on repeat):
'This is the element of freedom.' Alicia Keys

For me, this quote speaks to the gap, that powerful and often overwhelming place of choice that we encounter when moving into the in-between places between yesterday and tomorrow, old and new, night and day, yes and no. It speaks to the day that comes when we willingly welcome and move into the mystery of (re)creating ourselves and our lives, when we are ready to courageously say yes to life and love and are once again willing to courageously enter and explore the places in our hearts and lives we swore we'd never go again. It speaks to the that day comes when we are willing, again, to explore the mystical and the magical. To willingly step into the place of metamorphasis, to grow from a spark to a flame. It speaks to the day that comes when we are willing and able to be in the liminal space between the inhale and exhale for longer and longer periods of time, to explore the greys in between black and white. When we can allow and maybe even luxuriate in the miracle it is to be feeling... to be feeling... to be feeling. It speaks to the day that comes when we are willing and able to surrender to and luxuriate in the electric tension that comes when we swing between active growth and passive becoming. It speaks to the day that comes when we say yes and move towards, versus away from, the exhilarating, exciting and sometimes scary journey of moving from being a bud to surrendering to blooming, with all its unfamiliar and new territory, from the land of the invisible to the land of the visible. That is what this quote speaks to in me. Time and time and time again