Thursday, November 21, 2013


NEW at Turtle Toes Wellness: Creativity Coaching!

Are you looking for a personal cheer-leader who BELIEVES in your capacities to imagine, create and sustain a creative lifestyle, dream, project or hobby? Would you like some tender, loving and inspiring coaching to nudge you towards your creative goals and wishes? Then let's chat! Guaranteed to engage and inspire your inner courage, determination and commitment. 

If this interests you or if you have any questions, please send me an email: 

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare.. It is because we do not dare that they are difficult. ~ Seneca saying.

'Buried Dreams' Quick Creative Activity 
Adapted from Julia Cameron's book The Artists Way

List the following in a fast & frivolous manner... (don't think about it much!!!)

* 1 hobby that sounds fun *
* 1 class that sounds fun *
* 1 thing you would personally never do that sounds fun *
* 1 skill that would be fun to have *
* 1 thing  you used to enjoy doing *
* 1 silly thing you would like to try just once *

Pick one of these items (the one that seems the most possible: affordable, imaginable, risk-able) and do some exploring. For the next few days, see if you might possibly allow yourself to imagine what it would be like to actually do one of the items from your list. What would it take to carve out a bit of time for this activity? What kinds of resources would you need? Where would this activity take place? See if you can allow yourself to daydream and imagine taking the steps to actually create time and space in your life for this activity. How does that feel? Is there someone in your life who would encourage you to to explore this area of  your life? Do you feel like you could actually allow yourself to try (!!!) one of the items on your list? At the very least, can you allow yourself to imagine the fun you might have? Then, no matter what you do or don't do, take yourself out for a tea and journal about your experience. How did you feel? Scared? Excited? Bored? Invigorated? If you'd like, let the activity go here, as soon as you close your journal. Or, if you'd like, choose another  item on your list to explore next week! And if you want, send me an email about your experience! I'd love to read about it :)


* Contact me for more info: (sliding Scale available) *