Sometimes life takes us on a journey that has us plugged into and connected to people, places and things that may not be the best for us - anymore... and sometimes life leads us to people, places and circumstances that have the potential to transform, sustain and inspire us in ways that we've only ever dreamed of being possible - for others, but not for us - so we keep on moving, stuffing our longing for
something more deep deep down into our bellies and hearts. We need to listen to the longing that is stirring in our bodies. It is telling us that something else is possible. It is asking us to move beyond the boxes that we have constructed and compartmentalized our lives in. There are circumstances that feed us and circumstances that deplete us and you can rest assured that your body will tell you when it's had enough of a certain person, place or thing and even when it's had enough of a particular behaviour of it's very own - and if you listen real close, it
will tell you what it needs, wants and wishes for.
Sometimes it's not so easy to discern what is for us and what is not for us, especially if it is a core part of our life - like a relationship, a lifestyle, a career, a community, a philosophy, a habit or even an aspect of our identity. Lately, I have decided to pay attention to and explore bubbling feelings of intense longing for
more that have been surfacing inside of me for the last couple of years and that have been growing even stronger during the past few months. What I've discovered didn't surprise me.
What I am deeply longing for is connection.
Connection to my own heart, body, mind and soul, to family and friends, to my partner, to community, to spirit, to my purpose and to a deeper, sustained experience of health in all levels of my being and within all relationships. These important connections are often lost admist the bustle and demands of our many roles, identities and busy lives.
What I am deeply longing for is a more authentic relationship to that which truly sustains me and the courage to simply go for it.
When I sit with my longing I am reminded that it is up to me to nourish and foster the connections that I long for and it is clear that in doing so, my life will be richer and fuller and a much more fertile realm in which to plant and grow a deluxe assortment of the most amazing dreams - mine and yours.
When was the last time that you tuned into what you really long for?
Recipe for June: Unplug, Reconnect. Repeat as many times as required until desired nourishment is experienced. Practice this often for long-lasting results.
Pose: Ardha Padmasana 'Seated Half-Lotus'
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This pose offers a gentle approach to assist you with tuning into the rumblings, emotions and wisdom in the body. In this pose, while keeping your attention on your breath, take a long, slow, deep inhale into the belly, into your ribcage and slowing expand the inhale softly up into your heart. Then take a long, slow, deep exhale slowly moving back down from your heart, to your ribcage and finally your belly. Repeat for a few minutes. If your mind wanders, just keep coming back to your breath. Being seated in this pose for 2-3 minutes is sufficient time to begin to connect with the emotions in the belly. When you are done the breathing, why not take a few moments to journal about what you felt? Be curious. Notice the themes that come up and see if you might find a way to answer the call of what you are really longing for.